We all know that we are in the final push before Thanksgiving Break … seeing as I have a scene performance for my acting class tomorrow and I have not finished memorizing my lines (@ my procrastinating blog post), I decided to keep this simple … So for this week’s blog, I’m gonna tell y’all my picks for what to listen to, watch, and read over break. (Basically, this is just a list of my favorite artists, movies, and books.)
To Listen:
The song listed below is currently the only thing playing on my Spotify, so really I’m just going to list this one song, but it’s worth it.
- Maggie Rogers — “Light On”
(You can also check out the artists NEEDTOBREATHE, Ben Rector, and Chris Young, though …)
To Watch:
- Legally Blonde (… because if you haven’t, we can’t be friends. And if you have, you know you need to do it again …)
- Riverdale — I will be rewatching Season 1 to refresh, then binging Season 2 in order to start Season 3
- The Heat — if you need a good laugh, start here
- Elf — because once Thanksgiving hits, I will be watching this once a week …
To Read:
Okay, up until now you may have known of all of the things I’ve listed so far, but you might not know these books. The first* two are geared towards people who love books … if you read a lot, these books are absolutely phenomenal. The third might be my favorite read so far — it’s much more light-hearted, and it’s comprised of short-stories/essays for people who are looking for less pages. (*Order not according to preference*)
- “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz
- “Americanah” by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- “I Was Told There’d Be Cake” by Sloane Crosley
Since I’m going to attempt to stop procrastinating my scene now, I’ll end this post here … Hope y’all get some quality time to listen, watch, and read. Check back after break for more posts!
Anchor Down,