Let’s be real, some of us can’t be bothered to make it to the dining hall when we’re working and a bit hungry. Luckily, the Munchie Mart and CVS provides plenty of snacks for those of us who are both busy and lazy.
5. (Instant) Oatmeal

Ok, I was skeptical too, but the instant oatmeal you can get at the Munchie Mart (two count as an entrée) is decent. It’s even better if you add a little bit of peanut butter and a fruit of your choice. It’s low on the list because it does require about a minute and thirty seconds of work, but it’s really filling.
4. Popcorn

Popcorn is great whether you’ve got a microwave or not. If you do, or if you’re willing to use your house’s kitchen, I’d definitely buy bags of microwave popcorn- it’s typically cheaper than pre-popped bags, like SmartPop.
3. Mixed Nuts

What’s great about nut mixes is that they’re usually high in protein and often full of nutrients like vitamin E and magnesium. Of course, it depends on what brand you buy, which nuts are in the mix, etc. Anything with almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, pistachios, or walnuts are a great choice. If you’re looking to eat healthier, be wary of flavors or additives- they’re not as bad as processed foods, but are often packed with a lot of sodium. If you’re less concerned, then don’t worry, and enjoy those wasabi-flavoured almonds.
Note: if you’re allergic to tree nuts, jerky, roasted chickpeas, edamame, and pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of protein.
2. Yogurt (+ Granola)

Yogurt is great because no matter your dietary preferences, you can find a yogurt that matches them. Lowfat, no sugar, vegan- anything you want, you can find. Whenever I can, I add fruit and granola for the extra flavour and nutrients. Of course, if you don’t have a fridge, you can always use the communal one in your kitchen- just be sure to label it!
1. Fruit

Yes, my number one pick is just fruit. If you haven’t noticed, I like to add fruits to other snacks to improve them. Apples and bananas go great with peanut butter, berries go great with chocolate, and almost everything goes well with honey. Even if you don’t add fruit to anything else, it’s great on its own. The best fruits to get are bananas, apples, or oranges, since they are some of the cheaper fruits and also have the longest shelf life. Of course, the real best fruit is your favourite (I’m partial to apples, peaches, and pineapples). Additionally, dried fruits are even more shelf-stable.
Honorable mentions:
- Hummus & vegetables
- Granola bars
- Applesauce
- Scrambled eggs (you can make them in a mug!)