1.) Emily Benfield

Meet Emily Benfield! She is a dedicated and resilient individual originally from Newport, Rhode Island, but has also lived in California and Virginia Beach (Where she now lives). She has a lived a very unique journey. In fifth grade Emily was diagnosed with Dyslexia and Developmental Coordination Disorder. Facing these early challenges, Emily developed a strong work ethic and a knack for creative problem-solving, traits she now channels into her aspiration to become a teacher. She aims to support students in overcoming their own obstacles, drawing from her personal experiences. Which she wrote about in her Application to Vanderbilt, stating, “Disadvantages are Advantages.”
On top of this, she has been actively engaged in her community through her organization of two impactful events: the Love Run and the Color Run. The Love Run, coordinated with two local high schools, raised over $50,000 to help cover medical expenses for children facing extended hospital stays at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters (CHKD). Meanwhile, the Color Run was a heartfelt tribute to a loved one who passed due to cancer complications, raising funds and bringing the community together in their memory.
Additionally, Emily was deeply involved in theater, where she took on roles as a technical supervisor and assistant director, overseeing set design, construction, and actor coordination—sometimes staying as late as 9 p.m. to ensure production quality! Her favorite musical she was a part of was, “The Little Mermaid,” and her favorite play was, “Puffs.”
Ultimately, Emily is very service-orientated and willing to help others. She is incredible kind, dedicated and a loyal friend. She has a genuine compassion that stands out in her community and will accomplish many great things.