HEY DORES ! It’s Esme (pronounced like sesame without the ‘s’), and welcome to my ESME STREET YAY! I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, as one does when they do not want to do their bio lab homework, and I was like wow… I need to get out more. So as motivation, I VLOGGED MY WEEKEND! YAYYY SO EXCITING!
Archives for January 2023
Valentine’s Day: Single Edition
February fourteenth is just around the corner. While some couples are happily looking forward to the day, excited to gift their fluffy Teddy Bears and sink their teeth into decadent chocolate covered strawberries, I’m anticipating a less fanciful celebration for the holiday of love. Due to my lack of a significant other, I know I won’t be waking up to a “Happy Valentine’s Day” text (except from my parents) or a colorful bouquet of flowers outside my door. Despite this fact, I’m perfectly satisfied. If you’re dreading this day because you’re single, let me tell you why you needn’t experience that “single on Valentine’s Day slump.”
First, you don’t have to worry about the complicated gifting process associated with Valentine’s Day. You won’t have to do mental gymnastics trying to think of the “perfect gift” for your significant other. This means no thirty minute CVS trip roaming the Valentine’s Day candy aisle only to purchase the pink Hershey Kisses you had initially picked out. Speaking of CVS, yes, you might still feel sickly seeing all of the Valentine’s Day decorations, but just think of that post-Valentines-Day sale you’ll have all the access to. February fifteenth CVS candy raid? Yes, please. For singles, this holiday is also an excellent way to practice self-love. All those gifts you would have given to your significant other? Gift them to yourself. Buy your own lifesize teddy bear you can hug and squeeze. Feast on some chocolate-covered strawberries as you watch 10 Things I Hate about You, or your favorite rom-com. Even gift yourself your own Valentine’s Day card. There are so many amazing things about you… it won’t hurt to write them down.
All said, this holiday for romance is no excuse to bring couples down for celebrating their love. Find peace in being single. Let’s not side-eye happy couples on the sidewalk or complain endlessly on your Snapchat private story. xoxo,
Santana Spearman
CommonsCast Episode 121-February 1, 2023
On this edition of the official podcast of The Commons, Abbey anchors a great Q&A session with Dean Gresalfi, Daniela delivers the details on events coming up on campus in the Commons Calendar, and Eigen sits down for the Human of the Commons interview with Kate Connell, a first-year student from Seneca, Missouri who is majoring in Psychology and living in Murray House.

MCL News Minute-February 1, 2023
Linda has all the details on events coming up this week that you won’t want to miss, including an opportunity to get a professional head shot, learn about the McGill Project, the Commons Ball.
Top 5: Things I Wish I Knew Before Vanderbilt Formal Recruitment
Listen, we all want to find our forever families in Greek Life. This Top 5 list will help give you more insight into the (intimidating) process!
#5: No, it’s not like ‘Bama Rush

I know all the tiktoks will make it seem otherwise, but Vandy’s rush is nowhere near as intense as larger SEC schools like Ole Miss or ‘Bama. There’s no judgements on your appearance or how much money you spent over recruitment. Vanderbilt doesn’t even use words like “pledges” or “rush” anymore. Instead, you’ll be a potential new member attending formal recruitment. Greek Life is to find a family, not to exclude others!
#4: You don’t need to buy a whole new wardrobe

This would have saved me so much time, energy, and stress to know! So recruitment is only two weekends long, and you’ll be wearing jeans half the time. Days one and two are spent wearing jeans, sneakers, and a Vandy t-shirt. Days three and four are get a little more formal, with sundresses and sweater dresses. By the time bid day rolls around, you’ll be back in jeans! However, formal recruitment is in the winter, so remember to layer and grab your coat.
#3: You will inevitably be dropped from some houses… and that’s okay!

Unfortunately, the process includes you having to drop houses, and houses having to drop you. On day one (display round), you will start out with going to nine houses. Day two (philanthropy round) you can have a MAXIMUM of seven houses. However, don’t worry if you have less than seven. I wish I was told that the average number of houses people receive on day two is 4 to 5. On day three (sisterhood round) you will be able to see a MAXIMUM of five houses, but don’t be worried if you have 3 to 4. Finally, on your last day, preference round, you can only see two houses. When houses drop you, because they have to, try to think about the houses that invited you back, rather than the ones that didn’t. Remember, the houses that invited you back chose your name out of their list of hundreds of girls to learn more about YOU!
#2: Come into recruitment with an open mind

All throughout recruitment we were told that if we were looking for a community of sisterhood, the panhellenic committee could guarantee we’d find it. But if we were looking for membership in a specific house, they could not guarantee we would find that. There will be houses that your friends will like that you won’t vibe with, and vise versa. That is completely normal, so please don’t base your preference off of your friend’s decision. And if you’re the only one in your friend group that is rushing, that’s even better. You won’t be biased towards anyone else’s pick!
#1: You’re finding the house that fits you, not trying to make yourself fit a certain house.

Look, there’s a reason Vanderbilt has nine different sorority houses. If every single house was the same, there would only be one house on campus. So if you feel yourself trying to change or act a certain way in one house, then that house isn’t for you. No hard feelings. It’s all about where you truly see yourself. During my recruitment I was told that sorority houses are kind of like shoes: there are some that are cute, but they may not fit you. You’re looking for the right fit! So, trust the process.
Hopefully this guide eases any nerves you may have about joining Greek Life. If all else fails, just be yourself! Good luck! –Abbey
#VanderbiltRush #VanderbiltGreekLife #Vandy #Vanderbilt #Rush
MCL Quiz: Honestly answer these questions and we’ll tell you what song will describe your Spring 2023 semester!
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MCL News Minute-January 25, 2023
Esme details some fun events coming up on campus this week, including a social event sponsored by Vandy Writes, VenUe trivia night, and a fun karaoke event.
MCL Top 5: Hidden Study Spots
Studying with friends can be fun…but during times where all you need is to isolate and cram your 8 chapters of material the day before the exam, I have the perfect spot for you! We have all experienced the full Stevenson and Central libraries during midterm and final exam season. Through this guide, you’ll be able to find a place with at most 2-5 people accompanied by silence.
5. Hank Library

Now, the ability to take advantage of this study spot is narrow as it is only available for freshman. Hurry while you can still scan into the freshmen dorms! Among all dorms on Commons, Hank has the largest library collection consisting of more than a measly 15 books (sorry North). In addition to the adorable mini-library collection, there are a few sofas, tables, and chairs that you can pick or move around in while you’re desperately cramming for tomorrow’s exam!
4. Peabody Library Bottom Floor

Another great option for freshmen to take advantage of during their first year on Commons! Although Central and Stevenson Library are famous study study, the most underrated library to study is definitely Peabody Library. While I may not be a huge fun of the upstairs study rooms either, I have to ask you all try to the very last floor of this library. Here, you are not only offered round table desks, but also conference rooms with white boards! What a steal.
3. Digital Center for Humanities

The perfect combination of new, old, and technology! This is the building for digital center for humanities where they explore the intersection of technology and humanities research. Alongside from admiring the beautiful architecture, you will find a small, humble library with a few study chairs here and there. Right next to the University School of Nashville, you will find small children running around the playground and reminisce about your childhood, too!
2. Wyatt Library

Through these doors, you will find the modern section of the Wyatt Center where there is a small library with colorful, comfortable bean bags and a few round tables. The highlight of this place is that because the Wyatt Center is almost impossible to navigate, this hasn’t become a popular spot for most students. While I may be biased as a double major in Peabody, I have to say this study spot makes me feel most at home.
1. HOD Building Top Floor

If you’re looking for a really discrete location where you get through a few sketchy-seeming places to find this study spot, then this one’s for you. All you have to do is to walk over to 6 Magnolia Circle, take the elevator to the highest level, and get a right turn after you get off! When I tell you barely any people study here except like 1-2 people, I genuinely mean it. It can almost get a little scary. However, if you need no distractions and time away from people, then make sure to give this study spot a try!
CommonsCast Episode 120-January 25, 2023
On this edition of the podcast Eigen has the Q’s and Dean Gresalfi provides the A’s in our Q&A with the Dean segment, Linda has the details on upcoming events around campus in the Commons Calendar, and then Eigen sits down with Rachel Johnson, a first year student from Smyrna, Tennessee, majoring in Biochemistry who lives in Sutherland House.
MCL Feature: My Love Letter to Stevenson Library
Hi, my name is Santana, and I am a Stevenson Library enthusiast. Here is a piece showing my love for my most adored study spot on campus.
Dear Stevenson Library,
Throughout my first semester at Vanderbilt, you are the building I’ve become the most attached to. You should know that I have tried other libraries and study spots, but for some reason, I’m always drawn back to you. I’m not sure if its the overwhelming sense of productivity you make me feel, your peaceful silence that propels me into a perfect focus, or your highly academic environment that makes my cognitive function go crazy… whatever it is, you are irresistible. I can’t picture my Vanderbilt experience without you. I need you. There’s this intense and emotional connection I feel between the two of us, which is why I’m able to spend hours studying in your presence. While some might be unsettled by your “bit too serious” nature, I am instantly submerged in a studious and scholastic state of mind once I walk through your doors. You manage to complement my study aesthetic perfectly: your glass windows bath my study materials in the warm sunlight, making my homework seem inviting instead of annoying. Your light brown tables create the perfect color contrast with my bright blue Hydroflask and mint green iPad case. As you can see, I am obsessed with every bit of you.
love, Santana