News & features about the Vanderbilt Commons from the students who live here
Our RAs are mysterious figures. As their confused freshman underlings, we have a hard time understanding what thoughts cross their minds as they make critical decisions in regard to us. Perhaps most confounding is why the wall hangings our RAs created, meant to be the first things we saw entering our new homes, are such crap (with rare exceptions).
After an intensive half hour of research taking photos in Hank, Murray, Memorial, and North, I found a disturbing trend among RA art. The gold-standard work I came across was few and far in between. I knew a call to action was needed. If RAs really do care, we need a sign! Anyhow, here’s my evaluation of their bad art.
What is the deal with plants, and more specifically, succulents? There were far too many hallways I came across with this as their “theme.” Not that most dorm decorations have anything to do with being a freshman or college life, but cacti take randomness to a new level. We’re in Nashville, so your RA can’t even make the claim that they’re trying to introduce you to the local flora and fauna. If anything, maybe they think you’re going to have a prickly start to the semester. That’s rough, when even the person paid to support you is subtly throwing shade.
Now at first, you might think maps or postcards is a cute idea for a dorm. It means your RA cared enough about you to look up where you were from and make something personalized to welcome you to your first year of college. Well you thought wrong. If your RA really cared about you, they wouldn’t be posting private details of your hometown up on a door for anyone to see. Tear those wall hangings down and stay vigilant – any number of potential stalkers could have already seen your precious information.
Dragon Ball Z (I think):
Now here’s an example of actual talent. To all the floors with basic white-bread wall hangings (mine included), dream for a moment of a reality where your RA would actually care enough to painstakingly draw an anime character for every member of your floor. A further plus, this RA’s art gave me an excuse to stop writing and binge some of Dragon Ball Z in the name of research (can’t say it’s really my thing, but to each their own). Although other RAs certainly don’t care enough, the real question is why this one cares so much. I wouldn’t waste my talent on a bunch of bratty freshmen I wasn’t getting paid enough money to look after.
Pizza seems like a safe bet for a fun door decoration idea. But look just below the surface and there’s a frightening truth about how little this hall’s RA actually cares about their students. Dietary restrictions anyone? You don’t really expect me to believe that both those pizza slices are vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free. The only appropriate food door hanging is a stalk of broccoli, and even then, RAs need to be careful that they aren’t peer pressuring anyone into eating healthier. I’m here for the Freshman 15 after all.
Old Town Road
I had to end on an uplifting note with what was by far my favorite wall hanging, “North House Road.” This is the epitome of RA art, something certain floors mentioned above should strive to be more like. Every time I walk down this hallway, the greatest song known to mankind inevitably gets stuck in my head. How could I ever ask for more?
by Olivia Logan
Olivia has the info you need about events around campus this week, including a Study Skills & Time Management session, Live on the Commons, and the Commons Cup Kickoff event.
by Shery Girgis
Moving in and starting a new life at college is without a doubt one of the biggest transitions most of us have ever gone through. Whether its forming new friendships or getting accustomed to the workload, here is a list of five things to remember as you go through your first semester.
All 1,600+ freshman, whether from a nearby city or from across the world, are experiencing the start of college and most likely the first time living away from home. Lots of emotion and anxiety can be tied into that. Don’t forget that all your friends are in the same boat as you. Enjoy the highs and lows with them. Form friendships with the people that you will be spending the next four years with.
With such a vibrant, growing campus, there is ALWAYS going to be something going on. Whether it’s friends going for a night out, a concert, or an organization you’re interested in, step out of your comfort zone! You’ll be surprised at what you find yourself enjoying. Try new things; college is the time for that. On that same note, it is a good idea to say no to some things in order to take some time for yourself. Don’t feel pressured to attend every single thing. It’s all about balance.
We have all heard this many times in the last three weeks. Mental and physical health resources are made incredibly accessible to students here at Vanderbilt. Tutoring, writing center, massages, and lots of plenty of other things are available. These things are already paid for and are being provided for you, so you might as well take advantage of them. Nothing says “college” like “free things”!
Lots of Vanderbilt kids breezed through high school. For some, college can be a new level of difficulty that we haven’t experienced. Don’t beat yourself up over a bad grade; it happens. Just learn what works best for you and grow from it. Prioritize your education, but remember that it is okay to not excel in a subject right away. Put adequate time into it and you will do fine!
Floors are nasty; shower floors are worse. For the sake of everyone on your floor, PLEASE wear shower shoes. Don’t risk getting an infection or stepping in something gross. Investing in some nice flip flops can go a long way!
And as always, don’t forget to Anchor Down!
by Andrei Olaru
On this edition of the CommonsCast, Dean Melissa Gresalfi discusses intelligence in her Dean’s Minute, Andrei has your weekly Commons Calendar of events, and he also sits down for a great Humans of the Commons interview with Derek Calderara, Area Coordinator for Gillette, Murray & Sutherland Houses.
What do music and the First Amendment all have in common? The Shut Up and Dance show on Sept. 17 in 206 Alumni Hall at 4 p.m.!
Shut Up and Dance is a multimedia interactive concert featuring live music, trivia and fun with an emphasis on the importance of freedom of expression in the arts. It’s free and open to all Vanderbilt students.
Once called Freedom Sings, the show was renamed Shut Up and Dance after Eartha Kitt — the famous dancer and singer of “Santa Baby” (1953) — who was told to “shut up and dance” after speaking out against the Vietnam War. In essence, the show is dedicated to those who refuse to shut up and choose to speak out. With songs from 1957 to as new as last week, the music played will pay tribute to these pioneers of the First Amendment.
The show “features some of the finest young artists in Nashville, people who have played with Eminem, Kacey Musgraves and Dolly Parton,” said emcee and show creator Ken Paulson.
Paulson said he believes the music, as well as the interactive media presentations, makes the show like none other.
He encourages all students to come for the “educational, but much more entertaining” performances. According to Paulson, in the past, the show has done nothing but entertain.
Paulson said, “Inevitably, a student will come up to me after a show and say, ‘If I thought it was going to be this much fun, I would have brought my roommate.’”
So, be sure to bring yourself and your roommate for the spectacular show in two weeks!
by Amy Rieth
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Now that we’ve all gotten a taste of the adult life that’s full of self advocacy and responsibility, some people may appreciate a reminder of what once was. Here are 5 movies to watch on Netflix this weekend that’ll make you feel like a kid again.
Who didn’t wish that they were spies after watching this movie as a kid?? (All three are on Netflix right now, by the way, so binge them while you still can!)
This movie was the perfect mix of the fantastical and weird, not to mention The Jonas Brothers’ amazing rendition of “Kids in America.”
A classic that is still somehow able to frighten me despite the fact that I’m 18. It’s that good.
I’m tempted to insert the entirety of script here, but I’m afraid that I would run out of characters.
Who could forget Miley Cyrus’s voiceover and the thrilling plotline of “dog thinks that he is not a dog but is, in fact, a dog?”
The VanderBubble. With several weeks of classes under our wings and orientation nearly over, it’s time for us first-years to quickly escape what many upperclassmen and faculty refer to as the “VanderBubble”—the inevitable comfort of campus. While Vandy’s campus is gorgeous, diverse, and abounding in things to do, food to eat (Rand cookie, anyone?), and people to see, it is so easy to become complacent while abiding by a strict everyday routine. Without some variety, places we once found interesting and enticing will become, well, a bore.
To avoid such a fateful predicament as the VanderBubble, we encourage you to venture out! Try new things. Meet new people. Do something you normally wouldn’t do! In Nashville, the world is at your fingertips; there is almost always something going on, from Live on the Green to the sophisticated traveling exhibits that frequent the Frist. However, one of the best resources we have here at Vanderbilt is nearby Hillsboro Village. Just a short walk from Commons, Hillsboro Village is lined with local shops, restaurants, and entertainment. With many Taste of Nashville, Meal Money compatible restaurants, unique retailers, and scenic routes, there is sure to be something in Hillsboro that will impress even the sharpest critic.
#1: Fido (For the Foodies)
Oh, Fido. Sweet, sweet Fido. Fido, a coffeeshop meets diner and a cult favorite amongst our fellow ‘Dores, maintains a history as a former pet shop and is now known as a renowned social and study gathering. Its versatile menu, composed of everything from pancakes to coffee to turkey sandwiches, is health conscious, with gluten-free and wheat-free initiatives incorporated and encouraged. From personal experience, I recommend the Turkey Avocado sandwich with fries and a Treasure Island Tea. There is nothing more satisfying after a long day of classes!
#2: Belcourt Theatre (For the Nostalgist)
Originally dubbed the Hillsboro Theater, Nashville’s premiere nonprofit cinema, Belcourt Theatre, has been around since 1925. Its rich history, including a two-year gig as home of the Grand Ole Opry, has stood the test of time. Today, the Belcourt plays all sorts of films, from a 35mm version of Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood to cult classics like Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Belcourt gladly welcomes students, and its gorgeous film quality and historic atmosphere are memorable and one-of-a-kind.
#3: Hillsboro Murals (For the Creatives)
Perhaps one of the most enthralling feats about Hillsboro is its quirky atmosphere, and such an atmosphere would not be complete without the bright colors of the iconic neighborhood murals. Over the years, local artists have set up camp in Hillsboro, completing murals like they are going out of style. While the city of Nashville houses dozens of gorgeous murals itself, Hillsboro boasts some of the town’s most breathtaking pieces. Grab a friend and take a little scenic walk; you won’t regret it!
#4: Hey Rooster! General Store (For the Gift-Giver)
A unique retailer, Hey Rooster! General Store is unlike any other shop on this planet. From its welcoming, aesthetic interior to its funky color scheme, it exemplifies the spunkiness of Nashville so eloquently. From jams to maps, Nashville t-shirts to birthday cards, Hey Rooster! General Store has a gift for every occasion.
#5: Mountain High Outfitters (For the Adventurer)
Mountain High Outfitters, a retail outdoor store, has something for everyone. Its impressive collection of HydroFlasks pair beautifully with Chacos and Birkenstocks, each quintessential items for our campus VSCO girls and WilSkills gang alike. Additionally, an array of items from renowned brands Patagonia and The North Face make Mountain High Outfitters a great spot for finding that cozy rain jacket you left back at home before move-in (Yes, that was me, and Mountain High Outfitters came in clutch with the perfect Patagonia poncho!).
By: Truman McDaniel