Kerissa has all of the info you need to navigate events on campus this week, including Commons House foodie events, a VU Theatre production, and the Commons Kickball Tournament!
Top 5 Memes that Illustrate the Commons Plague
If you have either made it through or are currently on the terrible journey of the Commons Plague, we feel you. If you haven’t gotten it already, you’re probably next. Here are 5 pics/memes that show what having the plague feels like.
1. Trying to Avoid Everyone Else’s Germs

2. The Sore, Itchy Throat

3. The Stuffy Nose

4. The Cough

5. Trying to Figure Out Who Got You Sick in the First Place

MCL News Minute-September 25, 2019
Kerissa has the details on upcoming events on campus this week, including Flulapalooza, Lights on the Lawn, and Commodore football and soccer games
Top 5 Nostalgic Movies on Netflix
Now that we’ve all gotten a taste of the adult life that’s full of self advocacy and responsibility, some people may appreciate a reminder of what once was. Here are 5 movies to watch on Netflix this weekend that’ll make you feel like a kid again.
Spy Kids (2001)

Who didn’t wish that they were spies after watching this movie as a kid?? (All three are on Netflix right now, by the way, so binge them while you still can!)
Meet the Robinsons (2007)

This movie was the perfect mix of the fantastical and weird, not to mention The Jonas Brothers’ amazing rendition of “Kids in America.”
Monster House (2006)

A classic that is still somehow able to frighten me despite the fact that I’m 18. It’s that good.
Bee Movie (2007)

I’m tempted to insert the entirety of script here, but I’m afraid that I would run out of characters.
Bolt (2008)

Who could forget Miley Cyrus’s voiceover and the thrilling plotline of “dog thinks that he is not a dog but is, in fact, a dog?”
MCL News Minute, August 28, 2019
Kerissa has the info you need to navigate this week on campus, including details about Dean Gresalfi’s dessert reception, the VU Night Kickoff Cookoff, and the First-Year Tailgate before Vandy’s home opener against Georgia.