On this episode of the CommonsCast Dean Gresalfi talks about the importance of registering to vote, Zoe delivers the Commons Calendar of upcoming events, and she has a terrific interview with a fellow first-year student Enzo Maceira.
The Top 5 Squirrels You Meet On Campus
Since I’ve started classes at Vanderbilt, there has been one thing that never fails to make me smile, even on the worst days: the small, furry woodland creatures. From squirrels to chipmunks to rabbits, it is hard to go anywhere on campus without seeing one of these little critters. (How you feel about that is up to you, of course. They can be vicious.)
Vanderbilt University boasts a 3:1 squirrel-to-student ratio, making for some interesting encounters and a few more great Instagram captions. We’ve determined the Top 5 kinds of squirrels you see at Vandy— and who knows, maybe you’ve run into them at some point during your time on campus.
All photos were taken by the Sam Bianco on the Vanderbilt campus.
#1: The One That’s Just Trying to Get Its Munchie Swipe

Completely relatable. We wonder if it signed the petition.
#2: The One Who Can Stare Straight Into Your Soul

It’s a little unsettling if you look into its eyes too long. But look at that fluffy tail!
#3: The One That’s Got 8 Minutes to Get From Murray to Calhoun

If you haven’t been there yet, you probably will at some point.
#4: The One That’s Straight Chillin’

Do you ever just want to chillax, forgot about that chem class, and binge eat your favorite food? Us too.
#5: The One That’s Not Actually a Squirrel
It’s called a rabbit, John.
Thanks for reading, Commodores, and as always, Anch
CommonsCast Episode 52-September 2, 2020
On this edition of the official podcast of The Commons Dean Gresalfi shares some thoughts on memory and learning in her Dean’s Minute, and we have important information on upcoming virtual events in this week’s Commons Calendar.
Click here to subscribe to the CommonsCast on Apple Podcasts
CommonsCast Episode 51-August 26, 2020
The CommonsCast is back with the premiere episode of the new academic year. Dean of the Commons Melissa Gresalfi delivers a welcome to campus message along with some terrific advice for adjusting to your first week of classes, and the Commons Calendar has the details you need on the upcoming virtual student involvement fair. Listen in and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode this year.
Subscribe on Apple Podcasts here
Top 5 Retro Places in Nashville to Blast You to the Past
5. The Hip Zipper

Hip Zipper is a slightly more reasonably priced vintage shop which offers an even wider variety of dated clothing. From Bowie-esque sunglasses to floral overalls and daredevil onesies, this critically acclaimed shop offers a surprise in every corner.
4. Brentwood Skate Center

Want to reconnect with your parents jiving generation while speeding uncontrollably down colorfully lit dance floor? Then Brentwood roller skating rink is for you! Engage in an activity which has spanned decades of American cultural history while feeling like a little kid just 15 minutes from campus.
3. Robert’s Western World

Looking for a true old-timey nashville feel? Go to Robert’s Western World and get an authentic country experience. If you want to go, schedule your trip for an afternoon since the doors close at 6pm for anyone under 21! Still, with no cover, this place place is a hidden gem to newbies on the Nashville scene.
2. Smack

Smack is a local 70s and 80s vintage store with an overwhelming amount of style and sequins. Although pricey, if you’re willing to spend a little extra you can get all the roller skating outfits, neon jackets and bedazzled bras you want. Still, if you’re like me, you might just roam through this museum-like store in awe instead.
1. The Soda Parlor

Located in Five Points Nashville, the Soda Parlor offers a vintage soda parlor experience with the modern twist of being in a mason jar. Besides sweet creamy drinks, the parlor offers small batch sodas and a variety of (free) vintage arcade games to play.
MCL Top 5: Things To Do In Nashville Before Winter Break
Yeah, yeah, we know … right now you are swamped with work, trying to knock out three papers and study for a couple of exams that your loving profs dumped on you between Fall Break and the Thanksgiving Break. But hey, everybody needs a stress reliever from time to time, and, you know, all work and no play, right? So here at MCL we’ve compiled the Top 5 things you should do in Nashville before it gets too late and you’re packing up to head home for the semester break. Here goes …
5. Eat some hot chicken

If you haven’t already tackled this uniquely Nashville culinary experience (and we don’t mean that KFC hot chicken mess), now is the time. Yes, it’s hot, says so right there in the name. But what better time to eat some hot food than when the weather is turning colder. MCL recommends Party Fowl in The Gulch or Hattie B’s in Midtown, just a short walk from The Commons. And yes, you can get the mild, but you’ve gotta give hot chicken a try just so you can tell everyone at your holiday dinner that “this is good, but it’s not Nashville-hot-chicken good.”
4. Check out the Opryland Hotel

Yeah, we know, this seems like a total touristy Mom & Dad thing to do. But honestly, this hotel is pretty amazing any time of year. Then add two million holiday lights and you’ll think you’ve fallen asleep on your Chem text and woken up at the North Pole. While you’re there for a few extra bucks you can take a carriage ride, ice skate in an outdoor rink, or even go snow tubing. The holiday festivities are available now through January 1st, and the lights get cranked on at 4 p.m. every day.
3. See a movie at The Belcourt

So sure, you can go see the latest huge box office superhero/alien/fast car/Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson movie at the megaplex if you want, that’s cool. But if you want a slice of Nashville history along with your choice of the best independent, documentary, world, and classic cinema, then The Belcourt Theatre is where you want to be. It’s walkable from The Commons, and they offer a student discount with your ID. Just a glance at current offerings include a documentary about rock legend Linda Ronstadt and the classic film The Outsiders. Check it out, and stay golden Pony Boy!
2. Go Country

Now you know when you go home for break that everyone is going to ask you about living in Nashville and country music. You know that, right? So even if you think Carrie Underwood is how you properly transport logs (see what we did there?), you should make the effort to get your country on. And lucky you, there are SEVERAL options. If you want to broaden your overall country music horizons and understand the history of the music, you can’t beat a visit to the County Music Hall of Fame and Museum. If live music is more your speed, but you still want a little history lesson, we recommend checking out The Grand Ole Opry. Or if you want to understand what makes Nashville tick, get at the heart of the songs with the songwriters themselves at The Bluebird Cafe. Then when Uncle Bob asks if you’ve met any country stars you can say “yep, saw Jason Aldean at the Opry,” like a boss.
1. Get some Nashville merch

By now you’ve likely embraced that Nashville is your home for the next four years. But are you really invested in Music City? At MCL we’re encouraging you to live like a local, and that means supporting all things Nashville. Sure, you love your home town teams, I mean who doesn’t? But while it’s cool to rock your Chicago Cubs jersey around campus, it’s every bit as cool to rep your new temporary home with some Titans or Predators gear. And it may not just be an ironically cool purchase, these days the Nashville sports teams are pretty decent (well the Preds are, at least). So jump on that bandwagon now, add powder blue or gold to your color wheel, and tell everyone in your home area code that the 6-1-5 rocks.
Top 5 Netflix Movies to Watch on Halloween
With Halloween quickly approaching, we here at My Commons Life know one of the most vital elements of this spooky holiday: the scary movie. Below, we have detailed five of our favorite Halloween films, and as a bonus, each one is available on Netflix. Happy watching!
1. Coraline (2009)

This animated Halloween classic may be rated just PG, but its overwhelmingly creepy nature and eerie stop-motion puts Coraline up pretty high on our scariness scale. This one gave our child-selves nightmares for weeks.
2. The Conjuring (2013)

This one almost seems like a no-brainer. Apparently based on a true story, The Conjuring has received international acclaim since its release. With strong acting and classic scares, this film is perfect for those who love some good old-fashioned horror.
3. Scream (1996)

Here’s a true horror classic: Scream. Sure it spawned an entire franchise of films, some of questionable quality. But the original is a bona fide classic filled with inside jokes, self-aware characters, and some genuine scares, too.
4. The Sixth Sense (1999)

The Sixth Sense was one of only four horror films to ever be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. Accompanied by strong performances and multiple jump scares, this is a film you won’t want to watch by yourself. And that ending!
5. Stranger Things (2017)

Yes, we know that this one isn’t technically a movie, but we couldn’t resist. This Netflix original series has received high acclaim from both viewers and critics for its talented cast, special effects, and allusions to the 1980s. Though not as typically “horror” as the rest of the list, this series is definitely something to binge leading up to Halloween.
MCL Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Vanderbilt?
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MCL Quiz: What Hogwarts House Would You Be Assigned Based on Your Vanderbilt Lifestyle
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Top 5 Bucket List Items for Spring at Vandy
1.Bask in the warmth and glory of Vandy Spring.

You have, in fact, made it to this point in your college career at Vanderbilt. Take a minute to celebrate that by packing a lunch with your friends, grabbing a blanket, cards and a guitar, and heading to Wyatt or the Lower Quad for the afternoon. The two times I’ve done this put me in a state of insane peace of mind and appreciation (two things we don’t get a lot at Vanderbilt).
2.Drop yourself into the map and explore.

Nashville is a cultural hub for more than just country music! Take an afternoon to put yourself somewhere you’ve barely been (12 South, Five Points, and Bicentennial park are a few places to start), then find your new favorite thrift store or soda shop. Not every college student gets to explore a brand new student friendly city like we do.
3.Cross it off your bucket list.

You’ve probably put off a college activity for a few months now. Whether it be swing dancing, finally checking out Greek row, or taking an artsy photo shoot, schedule time for that experience. As Shia Labeouf once said, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams!”
4.Do something distinctly “Vandy”.

Still haven’t tried a rand cookie or brookie yet? Deterred by the incredible line at Bowls and intimidated by Chili’s? Never been to Ranhas? Before you leave it this year, go out of your normal routine and check out the memes for themselves. While your here, you may as well get the true Vanderbilt experience.
5.Give genuine thanks.

How often do you tell someone how much you truly appreciate them, and not just in the short term? Take a moment to let someone, be it a friend, professor, parent or significant other, know how they helped you through the wildly messy, stressful late nights and long days at Vanderbilt. We’ve all gotten help along the way; the least we can do is give a little gratitude.