As we post the last News Minute for the semester and for the 2017-2018 academic year, James has much information to share for our last week, including Rites of Spring this weekend!
MCL News Minute: April 11, 2018
Grace has an eventful weekend ahead for us as Ole Miss takes on the Vandy baseball team, and many opportunities are coming to see Vanderbilt’s music scene as we continue to wind down the end of the school year!
Professor Spotlight: Interview with Professor Jacobs
MCL News Minute: April 4, 2018
Grace has all the info you need this week wrapped up in one minute, including details about Vanderbilt Off Broadway’s latest show and the VUPoint Ballet Spring Showcase.
First-Years March for Our Lives
On the day of the march Vanderbilt First-Years explain why they march and why they are motivated to create change regarding gun policy.
Professor Spotlight: Interview with Professor Buckles
Video: My Experience in Cafe Con Leche As a First-Year
As my last semester as a first-year student comes to an end, I’ve had the pleasure of participating in the Vanderbilt Association of Hispanic Students’ annual Cafe con Leche dance showcase. I’ve never danced before (other than the ballroom dance classes I took in high school to fulfill my Physical Education requirement) but I figured why not?
It was a truly rewarding experience to learn from my amazing choreographers Shelby Hughes and Francisco Munguia, but perhaps the best part was making friends that I might not have made otherwise. Being able to perform after months of practice was an irreplaceable feeling and I would do it again every year.
It’s hard to describe my experience in words, so perhaps this video can help. After all, if a picture speaks a thousand words, how many words can a video speak?
MCL News Minute: March 28, 2018
James has tons of info on events around campus, including tryouts for cheerleading & dance, the university band concert, and InVUsion.
On Pace with Grace: Episode 1
MCL News Minute: March 21, 2018
Grace is here to fill you in on an eventful next few days! Highlights include the March For Our Lives, Café con Leche, and the Vanderbilt Impact Symposium!