Santana has the details on events coming up on this last week of class, including a stress relieving event at the BCC, a Holiday Sweater Workshop at the Wond’ry, and a performance of the holiday classic The Nutcracker at Langford Auditorium.
CommonsCast Episode 117-November 30, 2022
On this edition of the podcast Eigen sits down with Dean Gresalfi for the Q&A segment, Daniela delivers the details on events coming up this week in the Commons Calendar, and Santana brings in her friend and teammate Allyria McBride for the Human of the Commons interview. Allyria is a first-year student athlete from Marietta, Georgia majoring in Environmental Sociology and living in Gillette House.

SantaSesame Show-Episode 2
Santana & Esme are back with a fun discussion of their favorite TV shows growing up. They share their opinions on some of your childhood faves like Lazy Town, Jessie, Zoey 101, Teletubbies, and more!
CommonsCast Episode 114-November 2, 2022
On this episode Eigen sits down for the Q&A segment with Dean Gresalfi, Daniela fills you in on upcoming events on campus in this week’s Commons Calendar, and Santana brings in Mya Georgiadis for the Human of the Commons interview. Mya is a first-year student track & field athlete from Ann Arbor, Michigan majoring in Environmental and Civil Engineering.

MCL Top 5: Ways to De-Stress

It’s officially that time of year: midterm stress, overflowing sums of homework, and sleep deprivation. While the late October academic slump might seem unavoidable… here are a few ways to overcome it.
5) Go on a walk
Not only are walks a great way to clear your mind, Vanderbilt’s campus is absolutely beautiful in the fall. For your next study session, take a break by going on a fifteen to twenty minute walk around Commons.

4) Find a new restaurant/cafe near campus
Explore the area around Vanderbilt and treat yourself to some coffee, ice cream, pizza, whatever you feel like.

3) Workout with a friend.
Working out reaps several benefits when dealing with stress. Maybe hit the rec center and try out the treadmill. Play frisbee on Wyatt lawn with your roommate. Whatever physical activity you decide on, it’s important to get up and get active!

2) Switch up your study spot.
if your’e one who routinely studies in the same spot, allow yourself to venture into a new territory. Seriously, a new environment can stimulate thinking and increase productivity.

- Get some sleep!!!
If you find yourself studying in Stevenson until 2 AM every night and barely getting sleep, it’s time to change your study/sleeping habits. Your current method is simply not sustainable. Getting sleep helps you not only retain information but also improves your mood. Close the textbook and head to bed.

MCL Top 5: Corn Foods you Should Try

“Look at this thing. I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing.” – Tariq, CEO of corn
In honor of seven year old Tariq, AKA the corn kid, here are five corn recipes you should try…
5) Corn Fritters

Corn Fritter: a delicious, fried corn cake. Yummy. Do you think the corn kid would approve?
4) Corn Soufflé

This dish is a corn lover’s dream. It’s creamy and bursting with the beautiful flavor of corn. I have a feeling Tariq would love it.
3) Sweet Corn Cupcakes

I saw this on a Cupcake Wars episode once, and ever since have wanted to try it. I’m still waiting for the day I can bite into a corn cupcake.
2) Sweet Corn Ice Cream

I know, this one is bit on the weirder side. However, don’t knock it until you try it. I mean, I haven’t tried it, but I’m convinced corn ice cream has got to be delicious.
1) Mexican Street Corn

I finally got to try Elote this summer. As Tariq would say, it’s “corntastic”! Seriously, this dish is a burst of amazing flavors. Love at first bite.
CommonsCast Episode 111-October 5, 2022
On this episode Abbey sits down for a fun Q&A with Dean Gresalfi, Daniela has the details on events coming up on campus this week in the Commons Calendar, and Santana brings in fellow MCL Producer Esme for a great interview in the Humans of the Commons segment.

MCL Top 5 On and Off Campus Must Tries
Dining hall food is sometimes a hit or miss. Off-campus spots can either be underwhelming or surprisingly tasty. Here are some random foods that I honestly think deserve a chance (even for picky-eaters).
5) Kissam Acai bowls

I made it a mission to try the Kissam acai bowls upon my arrival at Vanderbilt. The acai base is pretty decent and once covered with toppings, you’ve got yourself a solid study snack. Side note, I’m pretty sure the crunch of the granola helps keep me awake when studying in Stevenson library.
Santana’s tip: personally I like nutella on my acai bowls. Kissam doesn’t have Nutella as a topping, but it is available in the munchie mart. I’d consider purchasing nutella, honey, or other toppings from the Munchie Mart if you decide to be a consistent Kissam acai consumer. That way you can jazz up your bowls even more!
4) Rothschild burgers

If you’re craving a burger and don’t feel like venturing off-campus, Rothschild is your best bet. The burgers are well-seasoned, and the grill station offers a wide variety of toppings, including caramelized onions. Everyone I’ve recommended a Rothschild burger to has not been disappointed!
3) Commons Belgian Waffles

I really do enjoy Commons breakfast. However, some days I’m more enthusiastic than others. These days happen to be when the Belgian waffles are on the Commons menu. These small, edible masterpieces are honestly quite tasty. They’re sweet, soft, and I’d wish they were on the menu more often.
Santana’s tip: The waffles are already pretty sweet; I would try them without syrup first.
2) Hopdoddy’s Milkshake

This weekend, I tried Hopdoddy’s for the first time. To get the full experience, I felt obligated to order a vanilla milkshake with my burger and fries. I’m no milkshake expert, but Hopdoddy’s was very delicious, an easy 9/10. It was smooth, creamy, not too heavy or thick, and a perfect amount of sweet. Sipping my milkshake was a delightful experience and I’m definitely making it a weekly occasion.
Santana’s tip: If you’re not already dipping your fries and your milkshake, it’s not too late to get with the trend. My friends also really enjoyed the oreo milkshake, so maybe give that one a try as well!
1) The Baked Bear Warm Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches

The other day, I was craving a chocolate chip cookie vanilla ice cream sandwich (I know, oddly specific). My friends and I finally settled on the Baked Bear to satisfy my cravings. While it is quite a walk down 21st avenue, the large assortment of flavorful cookies and ice creams was well worth the hike. Definitely try the warmed cookie ice cream sandwich… I guarantee it won’t disappoint.
Santana’s tip: the ratio of ice cream to cookie was greatly uneven, I’d ask for less ice cream on the sandwich to achieve the perfect bite of ice cream and cookie.
MCL News Minute-August 31, 2022
Santana has the details on events coming up on campus this week that you should know about, including Original Cast auditions, the S.A.C.E. mixer on the Commons, and the BSA Back to School Carnival.
Busting Dores Episode 1-The Rand Cookie
The MCL crew is busting myths, chasing rumors, and breaking codes in their new web video series Busting Dores. In this first installment Dore Buster Santana uncovers whether the infamous Rand cookie is worth the hype.