If you’re a bit bored of fun activities in New York City or beautiful Pacific beaches on the west coast, let me remind you of the true gem of the United States: the Midwest. The rural Midwest, to be more specific. To show you how amazing these “flyover states” can be, I, Cornfield Chloe, decided to take pictures of the cornfields around my house and rank them. With the number of cornfields I have in close proximity to me, I could have done a top 100 list, but for your sake and mine, I’ll stick to the 5 I got on camera.
Without further ado…

Your standard run-of-the-mill post-harvest season cornfield. I see this one every day, and it’s consistent in its presentation. I run on the road at its border quite often, and I’ve never gotten hit by a tractor, so I’d say that’s a win.

Now you might be thinking, “Cornfield Chloe, is this the same field just from a different viewpoint?” I am here to inform you, dear reader, that this is obviously not the same one, but then again, I wouldn’t expect non-experienced cornfield perceivers such as yourselves to pick up on the nuances. I do, however, want you to appreciate the way that the trees in the back nicely frame this field and make it clear whose field is whose for the farmers.

Esteemed readers, we have a true delight here: TWO neighboring cornfields! AND a road of houses in the background! How exciting! You can see that one is prepped for winter wheat and one is not (but I’m not going to tell you which is which because I’m difficult like that). Just a reminder about neighboring cornfields; be careful at t-shaped intersections when the corn is high! Always take a peek out before going to make sure you’re not about to get t-boned. Corn kills, my friends. Corn kills.

For our runner-up spot, I have to applaud this field which has not been fully harvested yet. Here we see a trodden path into the depths of the field, which can be for numerous reasons. A family of deer that narrowly escaped being struck by a truck? Some teenagers looking for a private location for an intimate moment (yes, it happens)? Lost children being drawn into the corn, never to be seen again except in the dark of night when the moon is high? There’s no way of knowing, but all are possible in the rural Midwest.

I MUST give my top spot to this beauty. Just look at those clouds! The sun shining through in glorious rays! The water tower and the farms in the background! If you look closely enough, you might even get a glimpse of the train tracks! And of course, the wondrous cornfield itself. Look at those rolling rows! The patchwork marking properties from each other! I can’t help but be awestruck by these acres, compelled by this corn. Wowzers.
I hope that everyone gets the opportunity to stare out their car window and witness the wonders of the rural Midwest. If you do, you should stop and say hi to me. I’ll be out there. I came from the corn, and to the corn I will return. Unless my life plans take me literally anywhere else. There’s no way of knowing, but I do know one thing: I’m proud to be Cornfield Chloe.