For someone who gets stressed and overwhelmed rather easily, here are my top 5 self-care tips that bounce me back into productivity…
5) Calling a family member or friend.

Speaking to my loved ones does a great job at temporarily alleviated my stress. Many times I will call to check in or vent, which reminds me that life is so much bigger than whatever class, assignment, or other stressor I’m currently enduring.
4) Going on a walk.

Taking a walk is one of the best ways for me to process my thoughts in a silent and peaceful way. Getting some fresh air and hearing the cadence of my own steps proves for even more relaxation as well.
3) Retail Therapy (specifically online shopping).

The way in which online shopping provides me a certain magical boost of serotonin is perplexing, yet beautiful.
2) Go to Starbucks…and don’t be afraid to get the venti version of your favorite drink.

Sometimes all you need is an iced matcha latte with oat milk and vanilla syrup to get you through your day or to press submit on that ten page paper.
1. Go get dinner with a friend.

An evening conversation with your bestie over pasta or sushi can be so fulfilling, especially when I need to laugh, smile, or spill the tea.