If you are anything like me and do not prioritize studying till the week of the test, here is the article for you. I’m not the best at chem and I am also taking bio this semester so I wouldn’t say that chem is my priority. I will say that I was having dreams about calculating work functions and kinetic energy (grind time 24/7). Since the first infamous gen chem exam is over and I can finally SLEEP PEACEFULLY…here are some things that I did to make sure I was prepared (sure…) for the test:

5. Coffee:
Yea… no sleep, just calculating de Broglie wavelength and memorizing whatever that guy Aufbau was saying about his principles (just a joke please sleep :). But can you guys stop going to Suzie’s, the lines are getting too long 🙁

4. Aktiv:
I never understood half of the aktiv questions in chem discussion…and I still don’t…but that’s not the point. Going back and actually making sure I knew what I was doing was what took up a majority of my time.

3. Textbook:
Textbooks just… make sense. Sure they might be lengthy, but the textbook really breaks everything down and it was worth the time. Also all of the practice problems, even though they were time consuming, are WORTH. IT. I finally know who Aufbau is (perhaps a bit too late…but YAYYY!)

2. Organic Chemistry Tutor:
Taking chem at 8 in the morning was really not the right move on my part (still love Dr.Todd). I thought I was a morning person but ahaha…I was lying to myself. He breaks stuff down and gives more practice problems (you can never have too much practice). The goat for real. Also I didn’t know how to use my calculator till like the day of. Why are we doing calculations

1. Practice Test:
Honestly life saver. Made the mistake of not taking the practice test on my first bio exam and when I saw my score I was like, “ Out of 100?!” In all seriousness though I could really tell my strengths and weaknesses so it did absolutely make a difference. I might even like…chem… a little… like in picometers little.
If I had started studying earlier I probably would not have started my coffee addiction (shoutout to Suzie’s much love). Also a tip from Dr.Clements, “Don’t live crisis to crisis.” Do I still live crisis to crisis? Duhhhhhh now I’m gonna continue to ignore my aktiv learning while I study for my bio exam next week. Until next time Dores, Anchor down and use your time wisely (unlike me hehe)!