1. Technical difficulties

Dear Professor,
I am writing to request an extension on the final project for this semester. My paper and presentation were almost complete when my emotional support hedgehog, Spike Lee, chewed through my laptop and swallowed the hard drive, and then escaped into my building’s vent system. All 23 of my floormates and two RAs have been helping me search for him for the past nine hours, but he is truly nowhere to be found. Unfortunately, without the hard drive, I will have to start the project again from scratch, which will require a deadline extension of at least three weeks, barring Spike’s recapture. Please let me know if this will be possible at your earliest convenience.
Matthew B.
2. Illness or injury

Hello prfessor
I amsorry to bother you but i am writing to let you know that this morningg i tripped on th piwr th power cord for my fairy lights andfell down eight flights off stairs to the lonbby. I broke bothh my arms and 16 vertebrae’s, and theyr saying they may have to replace all f my kidneys. I am currantl currently typingthis with my nose from a hospitals bed while high off my veryhigh on codeine. as such i would very appreciate an extension of 1-2 days on the essayay. i have to go now they are going to operate onmy spleen.
very love, yuor student, laney
3. Prevented from preparing adequately

Hi, Professor,
I’m sorry to bother you, but would it be possible to request an extension on the test this afternoon? Last night at about 4 am I was walking to the microwave to reheat my oolong when I stumbled and knocked into the wall. My main study method for the sciences is to cut up the textbook pages and make a wall collage with concepts connected by red string like a TV conspiracy theorist (for liberal arts classes, of course, I use chicken wire and Munchie protein bars to represent the concepts in effigy), and so unfortunately I became entangled in the string and pulled all of my newspaper clippings and diagrams off the wall. I stepped on at least three tacks and my study materials were blown out the open window. In light of the circumstances, could I possibly have an extension? I’ve collected most of my materials from across campus and the last few diagrams were reported near Blair, so I can get back to studying very soon.
Thank you,
4. Unavoidable conflicts

Hello, Professor:
I’m working remotely, and this week was a bit crazy. I had to drive my youngest sister to four soccer tournaments, my middle brother is having an identity crisis after dropping out of med school, the dog ate all of my neighbors’ azaleas, my youngest brother burned down the doghouse, my parents both have the flu, and the baby will not stop screaming. Would it be possible to grant me an extension on Essay #3? Just until my noise-canceling headphones arrive and I settle the neighbors’ legal suit for property damage. And I should also figure out where my brother got the lighter fluid. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience; I’m sure you’re very busy! Please let me know what you decide.
5. Miscellaneous

Dear professor,
i am so hung over. please