Through Vanderbilt’s Media Intensive, I got to move in early and had the opportunity to explore campus on my own. Enjoy the pictures I have captured of the places I visited, along with some tips I learned along the way! All photographs are my own content!
1. Vandy Bridge

The 21st Avenue pedestrian bridge is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get from the commons to main campus. Very cute, very aesthetic, very demure✨
Hmmm…this picture would make a very nice Linkedin background photo *wink wink, nudge nudge*
2. Sarratt Student Center & Rand Dining Hall

Sarratt and Rand are basically the same building and are connected to each other in a weird jumbled way. This building is home to a number of other things such as the post office, headquarters of Vanderbilt Student Communications (1st floor), a pub (The Pub at Overcup Oak: 3rd floor), and a sushi place (Wasabi: 1st floor)
Below are some pictures I took throughout the building.

There is so much seating all over campus. If you’re looking for a quieter spot go outside or a floor above or below you and chances are you’ll find less people!

Bonus!— Outside Rand is very pretty in the evening when it gets dark and the lights come on. My pictures don’t do it justice, so go check it out for yourself! Once again, lots of seating! Bring bug spray though (especially if you have O+ blood), because Nashville mosquitos are feral!!!

3. Buttrick Hall

I’ll be honest… I only went in to look for one of my classes… but! It’s very pretty and has inspiring and philosophical quotes, so enjoy.
4. Campus Resource Centers

There are a handful of campus resources which I’m sure we all read about in the safety modules…but if you didn’t and you’re interested in learning about them, go here-
On my journey around campus, I passed by the office for LGBTQI Life and the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center (which are right next to each other near Greek Row), and the Bishop Johnson Black Cultural Center (which is behind Rand/Sarratt)
5. Main Campus + the Tower

Everything is so picturesque here I was genuinely taking pictures of random buildings, so enjoy these pictures of what I believe is Bronson…?
After taking pictures around Alumni Lawn I wanted to get a better view of the tower, so I went on a wild goose hunt for a stand still building and got lost in greek row. Still got the picture though! Personally I think it gives @vanderbiltu Instagram worthy.

6. Blair School of Music

I’m a Blair student, so I wanted to go put my books away and find some of my classes before everyone got here. The music building is kind of secluded from commons and main campus (rip). Come support your musician friends and see a concert at Blair every once in a while! Please! Because we take like 12 classes 🙂 #terrified

That’s all I have for now! If you’re interested in seeing more of my photography visit-