If you’re anything like me you probably are wondering how to get more involved in the upcoming spring semester without overwhelming yourself. During the fall semester you may have joined every club imaginable, no clubs at all, or maybe you have the perfect balance figured out. Whether you have the perfect balance or have no idea, here’s my tips to getting more involved!
Tip 1: Check Anchor Link
Anchorlink is a great way to see all of the organizations and clubs that Vanderbilt has to offer. I didn’t know how to work it at first but when I finally figured it out it benefited me a lot. When you’re on Anchorlink make sure you search for things that appeal to your interests. This will save you from over exerting yourself and save some space in your busy schedule. Remember the organizations and clubs you join do NOT have to have something involved with your future career path.
Tip 2: Talk to your peers
Honestly a lot of things didn’t sound interesting to me on paper but talking to people around campus changed my perspective on a lot. People introduced me to so many different organizations and clubs and they’ve even influenced me to join a few. Sometimes the topic may seem super interesting to you but the description lacks the same appeal. Trying out a meeting and talking to people about their experience in the club can make or break your opinion on the organization. Obviously I would recommend you to feel it out for yourself but these experiences help you get the bigger picture.
Tip 3: Watch the Newsminute
Hey, I may be biased but the newsminute showcases a few events that are happening in the upcoming week on campus. If you do not know where to start or where to look this can be a great starting outlet for you. Remember getting involved does not just mean joining clubs, it also means getting involved in the social life at Vandy.
Tip 4: Go to events that interest you
I was really scared to go to events, especially alone until recently. I was feeling left out of the social scene so I started going to events I saw around campus and constantly emailed about. Going to these events is an extremely easy way to meet new people and experience the social aspect of college life. Checking your email and the bulletin boards around campus will also inform you about these events!
Tip 5: Figure out what works for you and DON’T stress
A common misconception is that if you did not get involved or join the club at the beginning of the year… you can’t join now. This is not true for most organizations, in fact I joined a new club last week because I found free time in my schedule. It is never too late to get involved! Also I would like to remind you that you’re not behind, everyone moves at their own pace. We all have different schedules so do not overload yourself. Getting involved is supposed to be fun for you, not exhausting. Figure out what works for you and your schedule and don’t focus or stress on what other people are doing.
Whether you’re wanting to get involved in clubs, social events, or volunteering I hope these tips help you get involved in your upcoming semester at Vandy!