5. Tension Rods

I knew previous to move-in that my closet would be doorless (let’s go Memorial), so I bought tension rods with the intention of hanging curtains from them to cover my clothing. However, I didn’t buy the curtains in advance because I didn’t know the dimensions of my closet. When I moved in, I had my dad put up the tension rod (I’m too short to do it myself), and I told myself I would buy the curtains later and hang them up. It has been over two months since then, and it still has not happened. The tension rod sits at the top of my closet, completely curtainless, where I fear it will remain until move-out when my dad takes it down.
4. Bed Desk

I bought this so I could do schoolwork from my bed, knowing fully well that I never do schoolwork in my bed. I strictly stick to using my desk for school work and using my bed for watching Netflix and rotting on Instragram Reels for two hours when I should be writing my anthro essay. I tried using it in bed once and it’s so large and awkward that it’s not worth the trouble. I was straight-up wasting money when I bought this.
3. A Swiffer AND a vacuum
There was really no reason to bring both. I have not touched the Swiffer even once. It sits in the corner of my closet. Since the vacuum works on both the hardwood floor and the carpet, I just use that. I guess I overestimated how much motivation I would have to clean. Honestly, if you don’t have a carpet in your room like I do, you could get by just fine with an old-fashioned broom and dustpan. Although it’s honestly shocking how many grown 18-year-olds don’t know how to sweep. And I’ve seen y’all try.

2. Clamp-on Nightstand

I dragged this thing all the way here from the great state of Maryland, and it was here for all of two seconds before my parents promptly drove it back home with them. I thought I would be perfect for resting my phone and water bottle next to me while I slept. Turns out it doesn’t even fit on the dorm beds. Now it’s probably rotting in my parent’s basement. My bed is next to a window and I just use the windowsill as a nightstand, which works perfectly fine. Except when I jumpscare my roommate by tossing my phone from my bed onto the windowsill at 2 am (sorry girl).
1. Enough office supplies to power a small college

I have not used a single paperclip, post-it, or binder clip since I got here. I didn’t use them in high school either, so I don’t know why I thought they would be necessary now. The only useful office supply is my stapler, because apparently in college you not only need to pay a fortune in tuition, but you also need to supply your own staples. Because tell me why my bio professor hands us 30 loose sheets of paper during lab and expects us to not lose any of them.