5. Toolbox

My dad was right when he said it would be useful to have a toolbox in my room. The most useful thing is the scissors, which I use so often that I now keep them out on my desk instead of inside the box. Most of the other stuff was useful during move-in, such as when my roommate’s dad was trying to build a shelf from Target. My dad also let me keep his rubber mallet, which makes me the most popular girl in my hall (not actually) because I lent it to so many people in the first few weeks so they could loft their beds.
4. Storage Ottoman

As a vertically challenged person, I am unable to get onto my partially lofted bed just by jumping (I have short friends who do this and it terrifies me). I decided to buy an ottoman to use as a step stool to get into my bed. Not only is it the perfect height, it also has many other functions. I can open the lid to store random things, such as the toolbox, and it serves as an extra seat when my friends are in my room. And when I want more space in the room I can just push it behind my bed. It fits the color scheme of my room too.
3. Laundry Drying Rack

Many of my clothes can’t go into the dryers because they are cotton, and these school dyers are scarily powerful. They keep burning my shirts if I accidentally put them in. I bought a collapsible drying rack, which is the perfect size for tucking in the back of my dorm room and drying my clothes. It also fits nicely under my bed when not in use. Would recommend.
2. Photo Fairy Lights
Fairy lights in the dorm room? Basic. But fairy lights with photos hanging from them? Marginally less basic. I will say setting this up was quite the hassle. First I had to get all the photos printed. Then I had to go through the struggle of figuring out what I would use to hang them up that wouldn’t damage the walls. I settled on mini command hooks, which I probably am not even supposed to have, but oh well. Then I spent over an hour sticking the hooks on the wall and stinging the lights over them. The kit comes with mini clothespins that I used to hang the photos. Now my friends and family get to stare down at me while I sleep! And guess how many times I’ve turned on the fairy lights? (Three times, including to take this photo).

1. Expandable Shoe Rack

I think I brought too many shoes. I have not worn 50% of these since I got here. And of the 50% I have put on, there’s only two pairs that I actually wear every day to class. I did not really need three pairs of dress shoes, or two pairs of the exact same sneaker. And while it is nice to have separate slides and shower shoes, the flip flops were overkill. That being said, the shoe rack is absolutely necessary for organizing all these shoes. It allows me to have double-decker shoe storage. I fear that without the rack, there would be shoes lying in a jumble all over the closet floor and probably sneaking out into the rest of the room. And it folds to half its size for transport.
Honorable Mentions
- The mini pride flag that falls behind my desk every five seconds
- The throw pillow I stole from my sister after telling her that it was just for the car ride to Nashville and my parents would bring it back to her in three days (love you sis)
- The neon purple power strip that is slightly too short to reach the microwave and had to be duct-taped to the floor so I don’t trip on it