The piles upon piles of clothing and supplies I had to bring to school that accumulated in my living room looked like a war zone, as I’m sure it did for many others as well. For someone who is usually very organized, it made my mind go wild having unlabeled boxes everywhere I turned.
Packing for college for the first time revealed to me that especially in the packing department, I was very Type A as I compiled my things and immediately felt the burden in front of my eyes, the burden being disorganization. This is the part where you remember the time you said “I’ll pack at the beginning of August”, and now it’s suddenly mid August in the blink of an eye. A “Type A” personality is typically described as someone who is organized, appreciates a plan, has lots of ambition, etc. Therefore, packing for college could be a Type A person’s worst nightmare if not done correctly.
- Planner
Apple and Google calendars are reliable, but don’t forget that physically writing things down helps engrave it into your memory even better. This is more of a reason to invest in a cute planner to lay out your obligations that week on paper, and experience the immense satisfaction of crossing things off that you complete.

2. Lint Roller
A lint roller is one of those items that is arguably the least fun to shop for. I know that a lint roller is the last thing you would put on a list, but if you have one it could definitely prove to be useful. The idea that this has to take up space in your suitcase on your journey to school with you is unfortunate, but it will save you from a situation after clothes have been sitting in a dorm closet for months.
3. Tide Stick To-Go (Emphasis on the to-go part!)
There’s nothing more frustrating than planning an outfit just to realize the only thing that’s gonna catch people’s eye is a giant stain. To ensure that you can still wear the outfit you had carefully planned out the night before, a Tide to go stick is a must when packing. I emphasize having the to go one specifically because the small size allows it to fit perfectly into any small bag or compartment- it’s so practical to have!
4. Pencil case

I personally cannot stand the feeling of my pens and pencils moving around my backpack freely and constantly getting lost, forcing me to keep buying more. Too many pencils and pens are lost or traded daily, and for peace of mind, I recommend keeping them all zipped up in the same place.
5. Post-it notes for your workspace

I feel like a lot of people have strayed away from the idea of post-it notes since so many things have become digital, but for me the simplistic way of remembering something important can sometimes be the best way to go. I’ve gotten in the habit of keeping a stack of post-it notes at my desk, making it simpler to write something down knowing I would forget if it wasn’t right in front of me when I come back home later and ask myself “what was that I needed to do again?”. Extra tip: the bright, colorful post-it notes catch your attention much quicker!
Whether you take away something from this list or not, just remember that you never know when an item you packed your freshman year of college will unexpectedly save you in a time of despair. Most times, the packing paranoia some of us obtain proves to be worth it during your first year!