Once upon a time, I wrote down a quote from my dad in my Notes app. That was in 2022, and the list kept growing from there. My dad is always the person I turn to for the best advice. So I thought I’d put some of it out there!

Some of the quotes don’t make any sense without the context. Still, this is mostly an appreciation post for my dad, who I miss because I haven’t seen him in more than four months!

Still, without further ado, these are the best quotes from Papa Balhara that I still look back on when I need a piece of wisdom.

On Academics

“You are very worried. -Me
“Yes, worrying is the way to go” -Him
“If you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
“Choose anything that you really love … evaluate it on what you love within philosophy.”

On Dating
“Do not let someone tell you who you are. Only you know who you are, and enact yourself through action.”
“You got out of a major accident.”
“I think Chelsea is a good guide. The moral of the story is Chelsea is a good guide.”
“It’s only when you’re getting pushed with life, that your true nature comes out.”
“They have to value your qualities. And the people who value your qualities are the people who have been through some similar experience.”
“Have the mental capacity to not reply.”
“If a dog barks, don’t bark back.”

On Happiness

My dad always equates happiness with ‘contentment’
“Don’t trade anything for your contentment.”
“Don’t make contentment conditional.”
“The only thing that gives happiness is a moment of contentment.”
“One expectation in life, [is that] everything will become fine. Everything is not in your perfect control. If you have that one single expectation, it does not matter the story of the day; everything can be solved. You will not be so annoyed.”

On Difficult People
“If a scientist ignores evidence, it is fault of the scientist. It is the blame of the scientist. You cannot have every evidence in front of you and ignore it. We believe in the goodness of human heart and find it painful when someone is not of good heart. So we hope and hope and give people all sort of excuses, but we have to ultimately look at the evidence. Nobody should hurt you.”
“If you have a fight with one person, solve the problem with that one person. Do not involve someone else. It doesn’t solve any situation. You involve the third person; how would it help you? Unless the person is abusing you. Have confidence that you can solve the problem on your own.”
“It is very easy to hurt people. To criticize people. But it is very hard to help them.”
“You cannot let your own future be changed.”

On Balance

“If you have a few bad trees, don’t burn down the whole forest.”
“Never get hassled by both greed or aversion.”

His Best One
“You can create greatness anywhere.”

In conclusion, my dad, the greatest of all time, has a gift for saying deep things. These are the ones I thought to write down, but there’s tons more philosophy that he has distributed to me throughout my adolescence and up til the day you’re reading this.
Love you, Papa!
Until next time … peace!