5. ZZ Plant
My favorite part of this plant is that you could leave it alone for a month, and it will still be there! These plants thrive in “neglected” conditions with very little water and not a lot of light. They are slow growers with little oval leaves and many stems making the pot look very full. This plant can be green or green that turns to black. This is a great plant to have that is not a lot of work and can still add greenery to your dorm!
4. Snake Plant
Similar to ZZ Plants, Snake Plants can be left alone in a corner of your dorm. They can go without water, but not as long as ZZ plants (once a week or every two weeks). They need moderate to bright light, but can also survive in low light conditions. These plants can vary in size. They can be multiple feet tall, or little sizes like a couple inches. These plants, while mostly green, have multiple kinds and can have yellow stripes, lighter greens, and more.
3. Succulents & Cactus
I would say these are the most common plants that people have in their dorms. They are usually very little and can fit right in the window sills. These plants are slower growing, but faster than the previously mentioned snake and zz plants. Succulents and Cacti prefer bright light, and can go a week or two without water. These plants do not do well being soaked so when in doubt, dry it out. There are so many different kinds of succulents and cacti that come with many different shapes and sizes. There are tall, spiky dark green succulents. Or, there are light green ones that look like bear paws. You could find a cactus with many pricks and needles, or one that is soft to the touch.
2. Aloe Vera
This plant has similar needs and qualities to succulents. They need bright light, and can do without water for a couple weeks. Aloe is another slower growing plant, similar to the succulent growing speed. These plants have thick stems with a few spikes on them (careful!). They are a light green and grow out in many directions. This plant can actually have a leaf cut and you get aloe vera from the inside. This plant really brightens up a space and literally has healing qualities (lol).
1. Pothos
Another very popular plant many people have is a Pothos! This plant needs bright light and requires water more often than the other plants on this list. These plants are nice because they droop their leaves when they need water. It is a fast grower, often putting out a leave every couple weeks. There are a lot of different pothos. There are neon, green with white, green without white, green with yellow, overwhelming white, and the list could go on forever. These plants have a nice quality that makes them good for a shelf. When they are eventually long enough, they begin trailing over the pot. If you put this on a shelf you would have the leaves go down past into open space. These plants really lighten the room and add a lot of character to your dorm. I particularly love these plants because of their perkiness and fast growth pattern.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article all about plants. While this is a “ranked” list of plants, any of these would do great and thrive in your dorm! …Chat with ya rats later!