After returning back to campus from Fall Break, many students are preparing for more midterms, and soon enough, final exams. To alleviate some of the stress accompanied with these examinations, I have offered my Top 5 Study Habits!
5. Form a Study Group
One of the best ways to recall information while also having (slight) fun, is to join a study group! Studying with others allows you to gain new understandings of content, such as acronyms or other mnemonics, ask questions, and test your memorization. Having a study group will also hold you accountable for your study time, as it requires you to set specific time aside for studying that you may not have done before.

4. Space out your studying
Although cramming is sometimes a last resort method for many students, I recommend trying to space out your studying! Studying earlier for a test allows you to build your knowledge of content without staying up all night for it, as sleep is extremely important for retention. Studying 3-4 days prior to a test, or even a week prior, offers more comfortable study time, less stress, more sleep, and concludingly, rewarding outcomes.

3. Use a Reward System
Using a reward system has been one of the most helpful study habits I have acquired. Rewarding yourself after studying, whether that is grabbing a coffee, taking a nap, or eating with friends, will allow you to remain motivated during your mundane studying. It gives you something to look forward to, and it offers you an incentive to complete your studying!

2. Blurting Method
Active recall is one of the best ways to study, especially for heavy memorization classes. After reviewing content and setting it aside, use a white board, a notebook, or a Google doc to “blurt” out everything you can remember. This allows you to see which areas you should be primarily focusing on, as well as what areas you are well prepared for. Afterwards, review your content and add in material you may have skipped over (preferably in a different color)!

1. Quizlet
If you know me, you certainly know that I make a Quizlet for absolutely everything. Ever since 6th grade, Quizlet has helped me with quiz and test memorization. Making your own flashcards is a form of learning within itself! With the flashcards, learning, matching, and testing sections, Quizlet helps you learn definitions, as well as concepts. Purchasing Quizlet Plus can enhance your experience as well, as I certainly recommend. Quizlet can be used on the go, such as walking to class, during meals, laying in bed, etc. I highly recommend using Quizlet!!

These are my Top 5 Study Habits! I hope you find these useful and incorporate them into your study habits this year, and so forth!