Freshman year has quickly approached, and with that comes many uncertainties and a countless number of questions. Many of us are facing several emotions, such as nervousness, excitement, eagerness, and so much more. To help ease our adjustment, former MCL staff members – Esme Adotey, Abbey Woods, Eigen Escario, and Linda Xu— have offered several pieces of advice for incoming freshmen.
- Don’t expect to have “everything” friends. Appreciate certain friends for what they bring to the table. Don’t commit to an “everything” friend until you know more about yourself and what interests you.

2. Revisit your roommate agreement after you have lived with one another for a while and understand your ideal terms. Although you may have set expectations for you and your roommate, you may come to realize that expectations and reality will not always agree.

3. Find your personal balance for studying, sleeping, and socializing!! The earlier you figure it out, the easier it will be for you in the long run.

4. Stay open minded and never be afraid to meet new people. Also, always remember why you are here. You are here for an education!

5. Do not take a ton of classes at once!! Also, try not to take chem and bio together.

And these are the Top 5 Pieces of Advice for Freshmen! Special thanks to Esme, Abbey, Eigen, and Linda for their helpful advice 🙂