One of the quintessential aspects of going to college is meeting people from different backgrounds who may have different cultures, identities, and habits. While this can become one of the most valuable parts of these four years, sometimes, you learn a little bit too much about the habits of the 1.6 thousand freshmen you’re going to spend your next four years living with.
1. Washing your Hands

I thought listening to someone flush the toilet and immediately walk out the door was going to be one of the many things I left behind in High School. At least then I could always assume that it was a 14 year old boy who was only recently discovering deodorant and that maybe washing his hands was a bit of a large ask. By college, washing your hands is the type of thing we all need to have figured out.
What’s worse is that I hear (Or, I suppose, don’t hear) this happens most often when I’m eating in commons or making a pilgrimage to Rand. Listen. Fecal matter has no nutritional value. If you’re looking for that extra protein, grab some chicken or grab a shake from Blenz, not your bowels.
2. Cleaning Lint Out of Dryers

Last Thursday, a fire alarm was called for all of the Commons while many of us were in the midst of studying for Gen Chem. Luckily, this was just a drill, but knowing the number of times I’ve had to remove lint from the dryer before pressing start – and the number of times I’ve watched people not do this makes me worry that one day, we won’t be evacuating as a practice exercise. Leaving lint in dryers is how we start fires.
Freshmen already get flack due to being first-years a little clueless about how life on a college campus works. Don’t let our lint fuel the flames.
3. Not Pressing Random Buttons in the Elevator?

Maybe this is a Crawford specific callout, but every day, there’s someone who rings the bell in the elevator. Dear whoever you are, please don’t. Usually, elevators are a way to avoid climbing multiple flights of stairs after walking across Vanderbilt’s 132 acres of hilly campus. It is not a musical instrument. Honestly, this is probably the most unexpected complaint I have about living at college. What goes on in your head, bellringer? Why are you the way that you are?
4. Making Sure You Don’t Leave Chunks of Toothpaste (Or Food) In the Sink

Not that I don’t love knowing that not only do 9 out of 10 dentists recommend Crest Whitening Toothpaste but that my floormates do too, I think there are better ways than leaving its remains in the sink. Just because it can clean your teeth doesn’t mean it’s clean to leave in the sink. I don’t have much more to say on this topic.
5. Taking Notes (Or at least online shopping) During Lecture

In all of my lectures, there’s at least one student who sits with their laptop and notebook closed for the entirety of the lecture. I don’t know how they do it. Even if the class is easy, are they never tempted to do some online shopping? Do they never want to design cars they’ll never be able to afford? Do they never crave Papa’s Freezeria? From my hardest classes to my most boring, these people are a phenomenon I’ll never understand. Is this a result of great hubris or little care? What are they thinking about? I fear this may be a mystery I’ll never solve.