The semester is certainly picking up, and a lot of us freshmen are in the midst of our first college exams. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the workload and anxious about your upcoming exams – I know I have been! So, I compiled some helpful study tips that have been helping me and can hopefully help you.
Find Study Spots on Campus!
I’ve only been at Vanderbilt for a few weeks, but I’ve already found an abundance of great study spots. Something I love about Vanderbilt is how there is always somewhere to go and study. I don’t like studying in my dorm room, so I’m always looking for places on campus to get my work done. Here are a few of my favorite study spots:
These chairs behind the Commons Center are a great place to study, especially when the weather is nice! And I promise they are more comfortable than they may look.

The libraries on campus are obviously a great place to get your work done because you have to be quiet and everyone around you is also focused. Here are some pictures of three of the libraries on campus, Stevenson Library, Peabody Library, and Central Library.

There are so many great places outside to study, and the lawn chairs around Commons are a perfect way to enjoy the last few weeks of summer and get your work done!

Study With Friends!
Another great thing about being at Vanderbilt is that you are surrounded by people who also need to study and want to be successful in school. So, studying with friends is the perfect thing to do. You can be social while still getting your work done and you can hold each other accountable. For example, you and your friends could all put your phones in the middle of the table to make sure you don’t get distracted. Also, scheduling study times with friends will motivate you to actually go and study.
Stay Organized!
Being students at Vanderbilt, there is so much to keep track of. We have assignments in multiple classes, upcoming exams, and club meetings. So, it is essential to find a way to stay organized. I like to keep it simple and make a To Do List for each day on a GoogleDoc. Maybe you like to write things down and want to get a physical planner. Some people just add all their due dates and meetings to GoogleCalendar. I’ve also seen some well-designed GoogleSheets where people keep track of all their assignments. If you haven’t already, take the time to find the ways that you can stay organized in the midst of our busy schedules!
Thanks for reading and I hope this gave you some useful tips and the motivation to be productive! I know we all have the ability to succeed here at Vanderbilt; it’s just about taking advantage of the campus, finding what works for you, and staying organized!