Over the course of a week in September, I ate six lunches and dinners at the Commons Center dining hall. I have rated the meals in various categories. They are listed in the order in which I ate them.
Tex Mex Bowl

Taste: ★★☆☆☆
Chipotle dupe? Yeah 100% but it’s really not bad. The tex mex rice is one of the better rices they serve, the beans are well cooked and flavorful, and adding in your own toppings like salsa and corn elevates the dish. The two point deduction was because the day I ate this, the pork was so so salty. Usually it’s never that salty. I don’t know what was going on.
Visuals: ★★★★☆
This picture was taken after I mixed it up because I forgot to take one before. It was much prettier when all the ingredients were separate. The corn and tomatoes add a nice pop of color.
Health: ★★★☆☆
There’s no way that much sodium is good for you. Make sure you’re drinking water guys.
Turkey Cheddar Wrap

Taste: ★★★★☆
A little skimpy on the turkey but overall pretty good. The cucumbers always hit and the basil pesto sauce is so good. The tortilla was nice and crispy, so crispy that it was literally crumbling in my hands as I ate. That slice of pizza kinda sucked though. Should’ve known when I saw the artichokes on it (sorry to my artichoke lovers).
Visuals: ★★★★★
That green tortilla is doing a lot. Also great artistic choice by me to hold up half the wrap to take the shot.
Health: ★★★★★
I have no clue what they put in that basil sauce (probably straight mayo), but otherwise everything in this is quite healthy.
Chicken Broccoli Alfredo Pasta

Taste: ★★★★☆
My family is Italian, so I have very high standards for pasta. That being said, this was quite decent for dining hall food. The pasta was well cooked but not mushy, the broccoli tasted fresh, and the chicken was neither dry nor flavorless (shocking, I know). The alfredo sauce did not taste quite like real cheese, but what was I expecting? This is about as close as I can get to my dad’s home-cooked Italian food on campus (literally not close at all but I’m desperate).
Visuals: ★★★★☆
As I said, green really does a lot for visuals. That broccoli is carrying an otherwise plain, colorless meal. But you know what, sometimes plain food tastes good if you smother it in enough cheese sauce, which seems to be what we’re going for when it comes to dining hall cuisine.
Health: ★☆☆☆☆
I think alfredo may be the least healthy invention of all time.
Sweet and Spicy Chicken

Taste: ★★★★★
I may in fact have a sweet tooth because I’m pretty sure this sauce was just straight sugar, but I ate that stuff up. The rice was pretty good and the veggies were well cooked. And those fried vegetable wontons are so freaking tasty. What do they put in them? Also, I have a medium-level spice tolerance, but can we talk about how they always say “spicy pork” and sometimes that means no spice at all (like this dish), but sometimes it will literally burn your tongue off? And there’s no way of knowing which of the two you’re getting.
Visuals: ★★★★☆
The red and green is such a nice color combo. And you can see the crispiness of the wonton through the photo.
Health: ★★★☆☆
Once again, most of the foods they serve in Commons are healthy enough… until you put the sauce on. Unfortunately, a few of the only ways to make a sauce tasty when you’re not a Michelin Star restaurant are butter, mayonnaise, and sugar, which are not exactly the staples of the balanced diet. Also I’ve seen the Commons deep friers. Those things are scary.
Orange Chicken

Taste: ★★☆☆☆
Commons wishes it could be Panda Express. Although this orange chicken initially tasted decent (the sauce was straight sugar), by the time I got four bites in I was over it. The texture of the chicken was rather nasty. Chewy, uncrispy, and way too much batter to chicken ratio. I was fighting for my life trying to find any real chicken in that chicken. The rice was not bad but those unseasoned vegetables get tiring day after day. Also, these wantons were the meat ones (don’t ask me which meat), not the veggie ones, and they are not nearly as good. In fact, I would go so far as to say they are bad. The pizza was better this time though, which is the only reason it’s rated a two instead of one.
Visuals: ★★★★☆
The shine on the chicken and the color from the veggies make this meal look much more appetizing than it really was.
Health: ★★☆☆☆
Most of this is actually decent health-wise, except for the fried stuff. However, is rice really all that healthy if you’re eating it for every meal?
BBQ Chicken, Brocolli, Baked Potato, and Tomato Soup

Taste: ★★☆☆☆
The only part of this meal with any flavor was the chicken. The potato? Unseasoned. The broccoli? Unseasoned. The “tomato basil soup?” It was straight-up marinara sauce, like from a jar. And not even the good kind either. The barbeque chicken, however, was scrumptious, juicy, and the only thing keeping me from rage-quitting the dining hall after that meal.
Visuals: ★☆☆☆☆
You can tell just from the picture that there’s no seasoning on this food. And why was there so much broccoli on that plate?
Health: ★★★★★
Usually baked potatoes are slathered in butter, however, since this one lacked any flavor, it remains healthy.